Top 8 Articles from 2024
Plus 2 of my favorite earlier posts
Happy new year friends.
To kick off 2025, I've dug up my most popular articles from the last year. I also threw in two earlier articles that are among my favorite. Many haven't seen my earlier work so I figured this would help you get caught up.
For 2025, what would you like to see for Collapse 2050?
You’re Having a Baby?!?
Children born today will curse their parents for willfully ignoring reality.
How to Collapse: Despair in Terminal Decline
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ― Viktor E. Frankl
Economists Ignoring Coming 70%+ Crash
Leaders don’t understand how global warming will devastate economy, explaining failure to mitigate.
Let’s collectively wind down what we all know is a waste of our lives. After all, 10 years of real living beats 30 years of pointless monotony.
Cleaning a Hoarder’s House
The insides of a hoarder’s house is visual reminder of a lifetime of waste.
The Poly-Crisis
I’m afraid the best we can hope for now is to delay the inevitable and mitigate the consequences.
EROEI and Civilization’s Forced Decline
EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) is possibly the most important ratio to modern human existence. This measure is foundational to our civilization, yet understood by few.
How Far Will You Go to Survive?
Cannibalism, infanticide, pet slaughter

Humanity’s End Was Determined from the Start
The moment a species learns to manipulate its environment for gain is the moment the clock starts ticking on its demise.
Requiem for Humanity
Final thoughts on humanity’s failure and destiny.